You will discover a great deal about yourself in 2023 but this is not anything to fear. The most active period will be the first half of the new year and, around your birthday there could be changes to your relationship status, either a new love interest or, if things have become stale, the ending of an existing partnership. However, this will not be the cause of despair as it will leave you open to accept a new relationship and for it to flourish.
Also probable, will be changes in your working situation, perhaps something new. One thing for certain is that you will be the one to instigate these changes by being pro-active between April until the middle of June. Again though, this is not a cause for concern as you will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of progress you achieve overall.
2023 looks as if it will bring positive changes your way, probably after the middle of May, when your self-confidence will increase, resulting in a sense of happiness. If you are without a partner, the indications are strong for you to meet someone special. If, however, you are in an established partnership, the New Moon eclipse in April will give more passion to your love life. Beware that the increased energies at this time do not become a battle field.
As far as your career is concerned, there will also be notable changes in 2023. Around May, you could find yourself redefining your priorities and looking to take on new enterprises. You will realise that you are at the right stage to accept events and assignments that offer greater satisfaction and constancy.
Between January and the end of March, you will feel that you would benefit from having a greater social presence and will accept invitations that you may have previously ignored. You will meet new and interesting people, as well as someone who may be upbeat and passionate. The last couple of weeks of April and again in the latter part of June are particularly well aspected for you to meet someone new and with whom you form a new relationship. For those of you who are with your special someone, there will be opportunities to be more adventurous. However, if your relationship has been rocky, this may be the year that you agree to part company.
Career-wise, be aware that you could be duped into thinking everything is rosy, particularly towards the end of April. Make sure you keep your feet firmly on the ground and remove the rose-tinted spectacles and you could find yourself achieving a goal that you would have thought was beyond your reach.
The opening month of 2023 and between April and June will offer perfect chances to bring excitement to your love life. Be certain to make space and time available to strengthen the bonds with your partner. However, if you are single, use the opportunity to get out and socialise during these times.
Your work life will also be subject to changes, with May and June being especially busy. You are very likely to find yourself working co-operatively with groups and organisations that are new to you. This will open your eyes and thoughts to shed areas that are no longer of interest to you. Also likely will be the opportunity for advancement. Take care to avoid making rash decisions, particularly during May.
The New Year will give you opportunities to bring pizzazz to your love life and, if you are single, the types of people drawn to you will bring surprises, but in a good way. 2023 will offer chances to experiment with new relationships and couples will also wish to tread new ground within their relationship. It looks as if April will be especially good to welcome stimulating change.
The New Moon eclipse in April will kick-start changes and the more you welcome change, the more advantageous it will be for you. You may already be aware that you have nothing more to look forward to in your job and the first three months will offer you the opportunity to review your situation and begin making plans to change this.
As the New Year comes into being, you will become aware of a change in many areas of your life, including relationships, where you will recognise enhanced levels of goodwill, cooperation and strength. This atmosphere will encourage you to explore the way in which your living space is allocated and chores are shared. April, around the time of the New Moon eclipse, will be an auspicious time to start this process. If you are single, April will offer options to look out for a new special person, while those in committed partnerships will look for ways to enhance their home environment.
From the outset of the New Year, be willing to take on board the richness that is offered by diversity as this will make it more possible to enjoy 2023. You will not find satisfaction in maintaining the status quo. Additionally, by being pre-emptive you are more likely to locate rewarding new projects to throw your energy into.
This New Year will give you opportunities to make resolutions that will have an impact on your home life and, quite probably your relationship areas. The most notable time for these to occur will be around the New Moon eclipse in April. There will be chances to deepen the bonds with your significant other and, together, you will be able to face and overcome stressful situations. If you are single, you will be given many opportunities to meet well-matched individuals who may become a partner or very good friends.
Professionally, right from the outset of 2023, there will be significant alterations in your working situation. April is the month that promises to be well aspected to make changes in your career area.
2023 promises to give you opportunities to advance your love life, with May being particularly well aspected for this. If you have been involved in a relationship that has been challenging, you both will progress into new experiences together. If, however, you are free and single, you may encounter someone unexpectedly and the likelihood is that you will fall in love with a person that you generally wouldn’t look twice.
Along with many other people in 2023, you will be making some far-reaching choices regarding your work life. The key looks to be centred around working cooperatively with others and reaching new understandings with colleagues. Between April and June will be the best period to enhance your work-life. However, do be aware that any new working conditions will have an impact on your domestic life too so be sure to make fully informed decisions.
The chances are that 2022 was fairly unexciting on the love front but the New Year will present opportunities to reawaken your love life, particularly in the second half of March and throughout April. You will discover good times to invigorate both your love life and your family situation. You may well feel as if you should initiate actions and these are very well-aspected, with a high potential to realise success.
On the job front, the indications are for your work situation to become super-busy towards the end of May. It might be advisable to consider starting to work on your ideas and plans through March and April to get yourself ahead and be ready to capitalise on opportunities when they present themselves in the mid-year period.
A New Year and, potentially, a new you in the love department that could well see you letting go of outdated beliefs and making space to welcome new methods to use when loving someone special and to enable you to receive love. There could be some pleasurable improvements, particularly from the end of March through to the beginning of June.
2023 will be a time of change in your working environment. Your career is a really important part of who you are and you will be going through a period of transformation; be prepared to embrace the changes, choices and fresh opportunities that will open up for you.
2023 will be a time of welcome changes in your personal situation, coupled with a need for exhilaration and, perhaps, something or someone different to come into your life. I you are considering an addition to your family; this year is when it could well manifest for you.
On the job front, this year looks to be a time when you will be invited to strengthen your skills and adopt a new routine in your daily life. However, you will have time to transition from your current arrangements to the fresh circumstances. Nevertheless, in order to leave the past behind you, you will need a strong injection of motivation before anything can change.
There is a great deal of promise to enjoy your love life. The main periods for you to access romance include the end of January, the last two weeks of February and around mid-March. A word of caution though is to take care to remain grounded so that you are able to fully appreciate the magic that lies in store for you in the romance area.
As with most other people in 2023, you are likely to think about changing your place of employment. You will most likely welcome the changes as they are less likely to be as intimidating as they may have been in past years. You will have the chance to learn new skills related to your work or to enter a new field of employment. Stay alert during June as this appears to be an important time for enhancing your career.